Once your payment is complete, we’ll send an email to your registered email address (if you’re logged in). The email will include a link to download a PDF file. This PDF will guide you to the spreadsheet and explain how to use it. If you have any questions or need help, feel free to reach out to us at support@productivitypad.co. We’re here to make your experience simple and hassle-free!
NOTE: If you’re not logged in, please make sure to enter a valid email address at checkout.
No, you do not need to be an editor of the original Google Sheet to make edits. Instead, you can create your own copy of the spreadsheet, which gives you full editing access. Here’s how you can do it:
- Open the Google Spreadsheet link provided in the downloaded PDF file (refer to page 3).
- Click on the "File" menu in the top-left corner of the screen.
- Select "Make a copy" from the dropdown menu.
Once you’ve made a copy, it will be saved to your Google Drive and linked to your Google Account. As the owner of this copy, you can edit, customize, and save changes as needed.
This method ensures that the original spreadsheet remains unchanged while you have complete control over your version. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, feel free to reach out.
To edit the spreadsheet, you need to create your own copy. This makes you the owner of the copy, giving you full editing access. Here’s how you can do it:
- Open the Google Spreadsheet link provided in the downloaded PDF file (refer to page 3).
- Click on the "File" menu in the top-left corner of the screen.
- Select "Make a copy" from the dropdown menu.
Once you’ve made a copy, it will be saved to your Google Drive and linked to your Google Account. As the owner of this copy, you can edit, customize, and save changes as needed.
This method ensures that the original spreadsheet remains unchanged while you have complete control over your version. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, feel free to reach out.
Our refund and exchange policy offers a 7-day window for returns or exchanges on all digital products. For detailed information, please refer to our Refund & Exchange Policy If you have any further questions or require assistance, feel free to reach out to us at support@productivitypad.co.
To resolve this issue, you may need to adjust the time zone setting in your spreadsheet. Follow these steps to correct it:
- Open the spreadsheet and click on File > Settings.
- In the Settings window, go to the General tab and locate the Time zone setting.
- Use the dropdown menu to select your country and the correct time zone for your location.
- Click Save and reload to apply the changes.
Setting the correct time zone ensures the current date and time are displayed accurately in your spreadsheet.
You can use these templates indefinitely. They are designed to be timeless and adaptable, allowing you to rely on them year after year without needing updates or replacements.
These files are specifically designed for Google Sheets and may not function correctly in MS Excel. They utilize advanced features and functionalities unique to Google Sheets, which Excel may not fully support. For the best experience and to ensure all features work as intended, we recommend using these templates exclusively in Google Sheets.